9. Direct link to file (hyperlink)


In BizzMine it is possible to link directly to the latest public version of a document using a hyperlink.

The link is built up as follows:



  • [accountname] is the name of your BizzMine account
  • [CollectionID] is the ID of the document collection
  • [InstanceID] is the ID of the document

For example: https://mycompany.bizzmine.cloud/collection/16/instance/345 

The easiest way to retrieve the direct link, is by clicking the dropdown arrow in a list view and next click on "copy direct link". If that button is not available, the document owner or admin must have chosen that the document is not accessible through a hyperlink. You could always check the "document settings" to verify.

Remark: for On-Premise or Private Cloud installations using their own domain the first part of the url can be different, for example: https://documents.mycompany.com/collection/16/instance/345 

Settings needed

Before the link will work you need to define if the document is accessible using a direct link. As said here above, this can be done in the document settings of a document or you can set the default settings in the general properties of a document collection in the settings area of BizzMine.

There are 3 options:

  • Documents are not accessible using a direct link - No access
  • Documents are accessible based on the reading permissions. - Authentication required
  • Documents are accessible by everyone who has the link - Public

We recommend to use the first or the second option (public) as the default setting of a collection.

Do hyperlinks to documents continue to work? Even if the document is revised or moved from one folder to another in the document tree?

The direct link continues to work, this is based on the ID and will always point to the latest published…

The direct link continues to work, this is based on the ID and will always point to the latest published version.