Go to the exam dashboard by clicking on the link ‘Exams’ in the left-hand menu
Now you see the list of exams
Click on the plus button at the top of the list to create a new exam. The form opens.
Exam name: Give the exam a name
Exam category name: choose out of the list with existing categories or create a new one
Skill that can be achieved: choose out of the list with existing skills or create a new one
Exam manager: this user can publish the exam
Exam editors: this users can work on the exam, such as create questions and answers.
Exam target audience: who is this exam meant for
Max number of questions: the maximum number of questions per exam session. For example: Your exam has 50 questions, and you want 5 questions per session, then you fill in here 5. BizzMine choose random 5 questions per session out of the list of 50 questions.
Max number of answers per question: here you fill in how many answer can be added to a question. For example: 3
Show results to examinee: 3 possibilities:
Yes, without details
Yes, with details.
Exam description: Fill in a description for the exam
When everything is filled in, click on save and close step. The exam is saved and can be edited for adding the questions and answers.