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Browse Topics
01. Getting started
1. What is BizzMine?
2. BizzMine Glossary
3. Structure & Workspaces
4. BizzMine Collections
5. Tasks, Notifications & Reminders
02. Login, Logout & User profile
1. Sign in to BizzMine
2. Sign out of BizzMine
3. Manage / reset password
4. Forgot password
5. Two-factor authentication
6. User Locked out / Security Firewall
7. Set your default workspace & theme
8. Language & regional settings
03. Using BizzMine
1. Create a new record
2. Edit & consult records
3. Delete a record
4. Trash can & recover records
5. Search a record / Powersearch & filter
6. Export records (CSV / PDF)
7. Consult the history & track changes of a record
8. Generate a PDF report of a record
9. Download report
10. Link to a record
04. Forms & Fields
1. Standard field types
2. Canvas field
3. Orgchart field & organization chart
4. File field
5. Lookup fields (1-1)
6. Lookup fields (grid)
05. Workflow
1. Understand workflow
2. Tasks, Notifications, Reminders overview
3. Execute a task of a workflow
4. Execute a task on behalf of
5. Restart the workflow of a record
6. Consult flow status
7. Color codes in list & tree widget
8. Periodic notifications
9. Periodic revision tasks
06. Document collections
1. Document Properties (system fields)
2. Upload a document & Create from template
3. Document tree
4. Edit a document with office 365 & Reason modification
5. File history
6. Document bookmarks
7. PDF conversion & download file
8. View Online with Office 365
9. Direct link to file (hyperlink)
10. Document settings
11. Document Permissions
07. Document Workflow
1. Document Control workflow
2. Assessment Tasks
3. Publication Tasks
4. Distribution Tasks
5. Monitor
6. Minor / Major Revision
7. Edit document controlled documents
8. Document Archive
9. Edit / Consult / Download modals
08. Widgets
1. List Widget
2. Chart widget
3. Info widget
4. HTML widget
5. RSS widget
6. Tree widget
7. Scheduler widget
09. Trainings, Skills & Exams
1. Skill Management
1.1 Create a Skill
1.2 Update a Skill
1.3 Delete a Skill
2. Training Management
2.1 Create a Document Training
2.2 Create an Ad Hoc Training
2.3 Update a Training
2.4 Delete a Training
3. Training Sessions
3.1 Create a Training Session
3.2 Close a Training Session & Assess
3.3 Update a Training Session
3.4 Delete a Training Session
4. Skill Matrices & Gap Analysis
4.1 User Skill Matrix
4.2 Function Skill Matrix
4.3 Gap Analysis
5. Exams Management
5.1 Create an Exam
5.2 Edit an Exam
5.3 Duplicate an Exam
5.4 Delete an Exam
5.5 Taking an Exam
3. Manage / reset password
Users are able to change their password in the user settings of BizzMine
Click on the user icon
in the top right corner and choose
User Settings
in the drop down menu.
By default the User Settings are displayed in consult mode. Before you can make any changes, click the
edit button
on the top right corner.
In the section 'Profile Settings' you will now be able to click the '
Reset Password
' link.
To reset your password you will need to enter your current password and your new password twice.
Confirm your password change by clicking the
OK button
And make sure you save your new password (and other settings) by clicking on the
save button
in the top right corner.
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