10. Document settings


Let's start with the beginning and give some more information about the document setting "bookmarks"

  • Bookmarks: Every field in BizzMine has its own bookmark. The bookmark is a sort of tag, that refers to one of your fields and specifically to the content that you filled in in that field. You probably already ran into bookmarks when creating notification texts in your workflow. When sending out a task, a notification or a reminder, you will have the option to use bookmarks in your text. This way, you can set up a template for the task message, the notification or reminder. Choose where which data should be filled in, and BizzMine will do the rest. Same counts for your .docx and .xlsx files. Let's say that you made a template, wherein you made a header and a footer. The header should contain the title of your document and the footer should contain the version number and version date. We don't want to maintain this header and footer manually every time the document changes from version number and or title. So instead of filling in the title, version date and version number by ourself, we will place the bookmark over there, and BizzMine will update and replace this bookmark with the data that is present in BizzMine.

    documentsettings overview

  • Direct link: The direct link will allow you to gain access to a document by using a hyperlink. This setting can be managed on collection level, which will function as a default setting for all records created in that document collection. As said, this is just a default, but you can still modify this on record level. So here you'll be able to make an exception just for that record only, you can choose whether the document is accessible upon authentication (thus a user account in BizzMine is required) or whether the document is publicly available (so anyone with the hyperlink can access the document) or whether this document can only be consulted through the system (no access through hyperlink).

    directlink settings

  • PDF Converter: For document records, you will also have the option to set a default on collection level regarding PDF conversion. Here you can choose to enable or disable the PDF conversion for one specific document. Note that a PDF is created upon publication. So if you decide to activate the PDF converter after publication, you'll need to trigger the PDF converter by doing a simple edit & save. (You can always check upon the PDF conversion in the history of a record.)

    pdfconverter settings

  • Assessment & Distribution: When configuring your document collection, you will have to decide upon the "display field inherit type" for that collection. Meaning: if your document collection is making use of a workflow, you will have the ability to add assessment steps and distribution steps. When using these kind of steps, you will have to add 'display fields' to the data design of that collection. The display fields will literally display on your form which user/function/department has been selected to assign the assessment task to, or has been selected to distribute the document to. By determining the display field inherit type, these fields can behave in different ways. The display fields can be populated with a default value that has been selected in the workflow configuration and be readonly. They can be populated and be editable, or they can be left blank. 

    document settings Assessement and Distribution

    If a document is part of a document tree, you will see that you will have the option to select "inherit from folder" and "copy from folder". If one of those options is selected, you will have the ability to create assessment and distribution defaults; this way BizzMine can inherit the defaults or copy the defaults from those templates and enter them in your display fields.

    If a document is not part of a document tree, you will only get to see "inherit from collection", "copy from collection" and "custom". In the two former options, you will have to determine the default values in the configuration settings of the workflow. In the latter, the fields will be left blank.

    !! Note that these assessment & distribution settings cannot be modified for draft versions! The settings that were chosen at moment of initiation, will apply to the document. Afterwards, if you want to change this for upcoming revisions, you can modify these settings after the publication of the previous version.

    !! Also note that this option overwrites the default inherit type for the display fields (used in the assessment and distribution step) upon creation of a new version.

What is the function of a direct link?

This feature can be used to refer to a document by using a hyperlink to it. It could be used in many…

This feature can be used to refer to a document by using a hyperlink to it. It could be used in many places: e-mails, other documents, internal portals, etc.