Go to the exam dashboard by clicking on the link ‘Exams’ in the left-hand menu
Now you see the list of exams
Click on the lightning bolt next to the exam to edit the exam
Now you can add questions: With the add answer button, you can add answers for that question. You can give points to the answer. When the question and his answers are added, click on the save button, the question is added to the exam.
In the exam results evaluation, you can change the score for the evaluation. You can also disable evaluations. Click on the evaluation to disable it.
The last thing you need to do is say that the exam is ready to be published. Scroll back at the top and select the checkbox.
Now you can execute this step. NOTE: From now on, you can make no changes anymore to the questions and answers for this exam. If you want to update the exam, you need to duplicate the exam.