4. Forgot password

If you’ve forgotten the password you use to sign in to your BizzMine account, you can reset it easily at any time.

The password you choose must be at least 8 characters long and must include uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numeric digits and a special character.

Reset your password

Forgot your password? You can always reset your password on the BizzMine login page.

  1. visit https://youraccount.bizzmine.cloud

  2. Below the sign-in form, click on the 'Forgot password' link.

  3. On the next page, enter your email address. Make sure it's the one you use in BizzMine!
    BizzMine Reset Password

  4. Click 'Request New Password'

  5. Check your email inbox for a new message from BizzMine. Do not forget to check your spam folder.

  6. In the password reset email, click 'Choose a New Password'. Enter your new password, then click 'Set Password'.


  • Invalid password message: Your password must be strong which means it must at least be 8 characters long and must be a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

  • If your administrator set an enforce password history policy, it is possible that you get a message that the new password is not valid because you used it in the past.

  • If you don't get a password reset e-mail it is possible the e-mail ended up in your spam folder or that you used an email address that is not known in BizzMine.

  • If you only have a username without an e-mail address linked to it: In this case only an administrator or owner is able to reset a password for you in the User Management section. After you logged in with the new password you got from your administrator, you can change your password in the user settings after login.

How do I change/reset my password if I'm using my Windows username (Active Directory) to authenticate in BizzMine. ?

As your password is managed by Windows, you can’t change/reset your password in BizzMine. If you have troubles resetting your…

As your password is managed by Windows, you can’t change/reset your password in BizzMine. If you have troubles resetting your Windows password, please contact your internal IT responsible(s).